The Saskatchewan Health Libraries Association is an affiliated chapter of the Canadian Health Libraries Association / Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada (CHLA/ABSC). Our members are dedicated professionals who offer health information services across a range of settings, including post-secondary education and direct patient care. We invite anyone with an interest in our field to join us.
The objectives of the association are:
- To promote the provision of quality library service to the health community in Saskatchewan.
- To provide professional support to the membership by promoting educational opportunities, communication, and resource sharing.
Please see our constitution for more information.
Current Executive 2023-2024
Chau Ha, Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Lukas Miller, Saskatchewan Health Authority
Erin Watson, University of Saskatchewan
Jessica Kelly, Saskatchewan Health Authority
Continuing Education Coordinator
Mark Mueller, Saskatchewan Health Authority
Web Manager
Christopher Read, University of Regina

Mark Mueller, Christopher Read, Lukas Miller, Jessica Kelly, Chau Ha, Erin Watson
Past Executives
President: Caitlin Carter
President-Elect: Maha Kumaran
Secretary Treasurer: Suzy Bear
Web Manager: Amy Weisgarber
President: Ashley Farrell
President-Elect: Catherine Boden
Web Manager: Christine Neilson
President: Mary Chipanshi
President-Elect: Susan Murphy
Secretary Treasurer: Diana Bang
Web Manager: Christine Neilson
President: Catherine Boden
President-Elect: Caitlin Carter
Secretary Treasurer: Jennifer Owens
Web Manager: Amy Weisgarber
President: Susan Murphy
President-Elect: Ashley Farrell
Secretary Treasurer: Mê-Linh Lê
Web Manager: Christine Neilson
President: Susan Baer/Kelly McIvor
President-Elect: Mary Chipanshi
Secretary Treasurer: Diana Bang
Web Manager: Christine Neilson