Past Events & Recordings



Other events

Leveraging everything I have in maintaining wellness: One black health sciences librarian’s experience
February 29, 2024
Instructor: Dr. Irene “Rena” Machowa Lubker, Medical University of South Carolina


This will be a session describing and discussing what it means to be a foreign born black librarian, the amazing opportunities, challenges and how I use everything to maintain wellness and keep balanced!

AI and Systematic Reviews
May 14, 2024
Instructor: Dr. Nele Pauwels, Ghent University


This session covered what Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are being used in systematic reviews.



SHLA members can request free access to the following two recordings (below). A limited number of licenses are still available for SHLA members. To request a license, contact Mark Mueller, Continuing Education Coordinator.

1. Troubleshooting Systematic Reviews: Refining the Search
(Pre-recorded MLA Webinar)
Instructors: Margaret Foster, Texas A & M University College Station; Sarah T. Jewell, Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center Library

2. Aligning the Three Pillars of Effective Instruction: Outcomes, Teaching, and Assessment for Health Sciences Librarians
(Pre-recorded MLA Webinar)
Instructor: Jill Boruff, McGill University

Other events

Public Speaking Skills
April 26, 2023
Instructor: Virginia Wilson, University of Saskatchewan


“Library workers routinely share knowledge, instruct, entertain, and advocate. Communication skills of all types are necessary for this work. Whether it’s delivering an instruction session, presenting at a conference, or meeting with a small group,being able to deliver a message with conviction, sincerity, and strength is an important skill to have. Librarian and former radio dj, Virginia Wilson, will be your guide as you learn about glossophobia and adrenaline, your best voice, the physical you, anddeveloping a persona. Plus, you will learn activities to try at home or in the car to actively assist you in becoming a better public speaker. For this workshop, please have something to write with on hand.”

Presentation Development Skills
June 16, 2023
Instructor: Ned Potter, British Library and the Bodleian Libraries


“The aim of the workshops is to build confidence and be able to produce amazing looking but, crucially, effective presentations, in a variety of styles depending on how important the presentation is and how much time you have. Everything in this hands-on training is based on the research into multimedia communication, and how to get your key messages to stay in the minds of your audience: how to make your message stick. No gimmicks, just achievable ideas and techniques which work. We’ll cover the golden rules of creating presentations, finding amazing images without breaking copyright laws or spending any money, and creating PowerPoint Presentations in different styles. We’ll also look at interactive quizzing tools such as Menti: when and when not to use them, and how to use them most effectively.”