At the Spring AGM (May 6th 12.30 – 2.00pm, at Picasso Room, Radisson Hotel, Saskatoon) we will have elections for the 2016-17 year for President-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer. SHLA members are strongly encouraged to consider these opportunities for professional service and leadership. Members may self-nominate.
Please respond with your nomination and a brief (50 word) biography by 5 pm Thursday, March 31st.
Duties of the President-Elect:
1. a) Act in the absence of the President;
- a) Act in the absence of the President;
- b) Act as correspondent to the Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association;
- c) Assist the President in arranging for speakers for the Spring and Fall meetings.
- d) Arrange food and beverage for Fall and Spring meetings
Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer
- a) Publicize all meetings;
- b) Record and distribute the minutes of all meetings;
- c) Have charge of all correspondence;
- d) Prepare and distribute the ballots for the annual election of officers;
- e) Hold alternate signing power in the disbursement of the Association’s funds;
- f) Maintain a current registry of all members;
- g) Collect fees and issue receipts;
- h) Present annual statement of accounts based on SHLA’s fiscal year: June 1- May 31.
SHLA members who are also CHLA/ABSC members in good standing are eligible to be nominated or to self-nominate.
Please submit your nomination(s) to the SHLA President by email:
Maha Kumaran
SHLA President, 2015-16