At the Spring AGM (May 6th 12.30 – 2.00pm, at Picasso Room, Radisson Hotel, Saskatoon) we will have elections for the 2016-17 year for President-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer. SHLA members are strongly encouraged to consider these opportunities for professional service and leadership. Members may self-nominate.

Please respond with your nomination and a brief (50 word) biography by 5 pm Thursday, March 31st.

Duties of the President-Elect:
1. a) Act in the absence of the President;

  1. a) Act in the absence of the President;
  2. b) Act as correspondent to the Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association;
  3. c) Assist the President in arranging for speakers for the Spring and Fall meetings.
  4. d) Arrange food and beverage for Fall and Spring meetings

Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer

  1. a) Publicize all meetings;
  2. b) Record and distribute the minutes of all meetings;
  3. c) Have charge of all correspondence;
  4. d) Prepare and distribute the ballots for the annual election of officers;
  5. e) Hold alternate signing power in the disbursement of the Association’s funds;
  6. f) Maintain a current registry of all members;
  7. g) Collect fees and issue receipts;
  8. h) Present annual statement of accounts based on SHLA’s fiscal year: June 1- May 31.

SHLA members who are also CHLA/ABSC members in good standing are eligible to be nominated or to self-nominate.

Please submit your nomination(s) to the SHLA President by email:
Maha Kumaran
SHLA President, 2015-16


Welcome to our new SHLA WordPress site. We have added a Resource tab with links and tools useful to Health Librarians in Saskatchewan. There is a new Members Only section for SHLA members to access archived documents, the membership list and more. If you do not have an account or if you have anything you would like to contribute to the site, contact the Web Manager.